Saturday, September 24, 2016

5 Tips to boost your confidence

5 Tips to boost your confidence

All of us need confidence boosting from time to time to stay motivated and carry on with our work and life. After all, confidence makes everything in our lives better and easily achievable. It also feels good to be self-confident.

“Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it.” – Stan Smith

           All of us need a pat on the back from time to time to stay motivated and carry on, especially when the going gets tough. After all, confidence makes everything better and easily achievable. It feels good to be self-confident, which perpetuates more confidence, impresses people and brings in success.

Here are some confidences building measures to help you feel better about yourself.

Think positive and know your worth: Positive thinking is the first step towards boosting confidence. Your mind is powerful and whatever you try to convince, it starts believing in it. So, be careful of what you allow your mind to be exposed to. Whatever you do, replace the negative stream with a positive one to boost your confidence. Confidence breeds’ confidence -mix with positive people as the confidence emanating from them will help you gain confidence. Be aware of your worth. Remind yourself of or write down your accomplishments in work and life. Understand your capabilities and you will feel stronger and confident. Don’t inhibit yourself with self-deprecating thoughts or limit your thoughts and behavior thinking what others would think of you. Be kind to yourself, respect yourself and never ever hold yourself responsible for anything.
Dump the past and decide what you want: Forget your past mistakes and failures and try to begin afresh. Just remember that you can begin from this point to create something new, erasing the past completely. You have total control on your reactions, so act calmly without holding someone responsible. Decide what you want for your future and pursue it perseveringly. Having a goal gives your life direction, purpose and mission and accomplishing that boosts your confidence to a great extent.
Be philosophical and accept failures reminding yourself of the good things you have had: When things tend to go a little awry, put events into perspective. Accepting failures as natural and obvious occurrences in life is the key to self confidence. Taking failures to be part of life will not shatter you and you will be able to carry on with confidence and greater zeal. Just keep reminding yourself of the good things you have received. Remember Anthony Robbins’s quote in these tough times: “If you’ve ever done anything successfully, you can do it again.” 
Learn something new: When the going gets tough, pick up a new skill. Learn something new to enhance your self confidence. Apart from building your knowledge base, it helps you to cope with the situation better. 
Look good and be well rounded: When you look good, you tend to feel good. So, taking care of your appearance and grooming yourself well is an important confidence building measure. Work on improving your body language as that emanates the aura of your personality. Always be active and try to be in shape as that makes you more confident. Maintain interest in every sphere of life.

But remember, what is most important is to value yourself and treat yourself well as this is one of the most important means for gaining self confidence. Building up self-confidence does take time and commitment, but once there, there will be no looking back.

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