Wednesday, January 19, 2011

visit once

please visit website and help the children

why donate?

All it takes is Rs. 525 ($11.50 approx.) to feed a child for a full school year. This one meal will give that child much needed nutrition and energy. It will also transform its life.

Nearly 13.5 million children across India are out of school and into child labour in order to earn that single daily meal. Together WE can prevent this. By gifting them with this mid-day meal through your generosity, you become a part of their lives and their dreams. Your contribution will mean the difference between poverty and prosperity.

Over 1.2 million children throughout the country are currently benefiting from the program implemented by Akshaya Patra. This school lunch is their hope for a brighter future and their chance to make dreams come true. In many cases, it is also their only meal of the day.

nid%3D689%7Ctitle%3D%7Cdesc%3D%7Clink%3DnoneAkshaya Patra's mid-day meal program is unique in that we address two problems at once: not only do we provide these children with much needed nutrition, but also encourage them in their education by doing so.

For ten years Akshaya Patra has worked to provide underprivileged children in India with freshly cooked, nutritious food. Our mission now is to serve 5 million (50 lakh) children by 2020.

When to Donate?
A special gift to give the people you love is donating to charity on their behalf. You could donate on birthdays, anniversaries, festivals or in memory of a loved one. This simple gesture will not only light up their day, but also help a child in need.

Many of Akshaya Patra’s donors also sponsor a child on a regular basis either monthly, quarterly or annually. Their kindness has helped us to reach out to those 1.2 million children in 8 states and 18 locations across India. Join us now and make a difference.

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