Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to stay happy at work.................

How to stay happy at work

The single most efficient way to increase your productivity is to stay happy at work. Nothing in the world can beat the productivity boost you get from really, really enjoying your work.




You wake up at the same time every day, go to work, come back and go to bed? Wondering what can you do to make life more interesting and more fun?

Trust me. Life can actually be fun, only if you master the art of staying happy. As we spend a considerable amount of our time in office, it becomes essential for us to create situations which keep us happy. Follow some of these tips to bring back the joy at work:


·          Try analyzing the joys of your work. Embark on new challenges to kill the monotony at work. Explore new areas related to your work after consulting with your boss. Make your work interesting to keep you glued in the job. Satisfaction does lead to happiness.

·          Look out for options of flexibility. Opt for the work from home benefit if any responsibility at home needs time and attention. Schedule your work accordingly and keep buffer time for unexpected chores which might come up at home. Once at home, stay at ease and spend your day in a way so that you can manage all your commitments smartly.

·          Select a training program Indulging in building your skill set will bring double advantage. One, you get a break from the work routine and secondly, you also get an opportunity to learn something new. 

·        Networking is a fresh way to advance in life. Meet new people and share ideas. It is a great way to explore new prospects for you. Build relationships and real benefits from your growing network.  

·        Spend time with your colleagues outside office. Lunching out gives an opportunity to interact at a personal level. Avoid office talk and try finding some common grounding. This will improve your relationship with others.  

·        Time yourself while in office. Draw a mental time table and stick by it to finish work in time. Working late not only tires you but also drains out all enthusiasm from work. Leave office on time to engage yourself in something new. This will help you to look forward to something and will keep you ticking.


Spend qualitative time in office. Make work fun by taking the initiative. After all, working is not just about earning money but enjoying it too.

reference from:www.shine.com

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